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Upgrading to Windows 10: Frequently Asked Questions


Many businesses are still using outdated technology, specifically computers running Windows 7 and 8, which are now unsupported by Microsoft and pose a significant cybersecurity risk to your business.

activIT systems strongly recommends that businesses upgrade to Windows 10 NOW to keep your data safe and ensure your IT is offering the best value possible.

We’ve received a lot of questions regarding the transition from Windows 7 and 8 to Windows 10, so we’ve compiled them into one handy reference. Read on for more information!

Windows 7 and 8

Why is Windows 7 is bad for my business?

Windows 7 was first released in 2009, and is celebrating its 10 year anniversary this year. So much has changed since then and chances are you aren’t still using your mobile phone from 2009 – so why are you still holding onto this obsolete operating system on your PC? Since Windows 7 is so outdated, it is now unsupported by Microsoft. Computers running this are at significantly higher risk of hacking or virus attacks than those using Windows 10, putting your business in danger. 

As PCs running Windows 7 and 8 are notably older and slower, these can limit the productivity of your employees and lead to increased maintenance time and costs for your business. Windows 8 systems are getting on in age as well, and are buggy compared to newer Windows 10 alternatives.  By upgrading, your business will be ready for the new cloud services that Windows 10 is built for, such as Office365, and will enjoy faster, more secure daily operations.

Why do I need support from Microsoft?

Windows 10 is the most secure version of Windows ever, with Microsoft regularly rolling out security updates and making improvements.

As Windows 7 no longer falls under Microsoft’s mainstream support, updates will be discontinued in the next six months. This means machines running Windows 7 are far more vulnerable to hackers, viruses, and security threats, a risk that can be minimised by upgrading to Windows 10. Windows 8 and 8.1 also presented a range of issues, and Windows 10 fixes many of the issues found on these older operating systems.

How do I know if my machine is running Windows 7 or 8?

This article by Microsoft explains how you can check your version of Windows, but if you get stuck then give us a call and we can help you out.


Upgrading to Windows 10

The most efficient way to upgrade to Windows 10 from Windows 7 or 8 is by purchasing a new computer which is designed specifically to handle the requirements of this operating system.

How do I upgrade to Windows 10?

We can supply a range of recommended business-grade laptops and desktops running Windows 10 Pro to suit your business’ requirements, from general purpose reception and admin desktops to high-performance laptops specific to your industry’s needs.

Can’t you just update what I already have to the latest version?

When Windows 10 was first released, Microsoft offered a free upgrade to all users ending in 2016. To upgrade to Windows 10 now, a single business license will set you back $300+ from the Microsoft store. Older machines can also run into issues with this upgrade, creating further issues down the line.

A new machine will save you time, money and stress in the long run, and a new model will have years of life in them.

How are these different to buying a new, cheaper computer running Windows 10 from *insert name of popular technology retailer here*?

We’ve shared a whole blog post about the difference between consumer and business grade computers, but the summary of it is that a business-grade computer represents better value for money and peace of mind for your company in the long term.


Have any more questions? Contact activIT systems about upgrading to Windows 10 today!


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